Board of Directors

The collective knowledge, experience and dedication of our board ensures that NKHS remains steadfast in upholding our values and delivering exceptional services for the Northeast Kingdom.

Dr. Denise Niemira

Board Chair

Retired Family Doctor

Orleans County, Newport

Serves on the NKHS Executive Committee, Children’s Standing Committee and Finance Committee.

Kari White

Vice Chair

Director of Community Health Equity at Northern Counties Health Care, Inc.(NCHC), Backbone Integrator for NEK Prosper! and Vibrant ONE Accountable Health Communities 

Caledonia County, St. Johnsbury

Serves on the Finance Committee.

Jane Kitchel

Board Secretary

Vermont State Senator

Caledonia County, Danville

Serves on the Executive Committee as well as the Budget and Finance Committee.

Linda Rhodes


Teacher and Counselor

Caledonia County, Wheelock

Serves on the NKHS Adult Mental Health Standing Committee, Substance Abuse Disorder Committee, Personnel Committee, Executive Committee and Nominating Committee.

Neila Anderson-Decelles


VT Licensed Psychologist-MA Level

Orleans County, Newport

Serves on the Nominating Committee.

James Hemond


Caledonia County Sheriff

Caledonia County, Waterford

Serves on the Personnel Committee.

Lisa Boskind


Retired Educator: Derby Elementary School and Principal of North Country School Alternative Programs

Orleans County, Derby

Serves on the IDDS Standing Committee as Chair and the Strategic Planning Committee.

Stacy Thrall


LPA Certified Advocacy Coach/Mental health advocate, an active Vibrant One and NEK Prosper member, and serves on the Mentally Healthy CAN.

Caledonia County, Danville

Patrick Shattuck


Executive Director RuralEdge

Serves on the Personnel Committee.

Christine Milne-O'Grady


Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker

Monthly Meeting

The Board of Directors meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 10 a.m. Meetings are open to the public. If you would like to join, please call 802-748-3181 extension 1181 to speak with the executive office administrator to confirm the date and time and receive a ZOOM access link.